[Poker] Des sites fermés par le FBI

Kong dit:
Je préfère un "main event" avec bcp moins de joueurs, cela augmente énormément les chances de voir plus de pros en table finale, c'est tout... (je vais éviter de mettre un smiley là, on sais jamais...).

Ce qui tend à dire que le poker est un jeu de hasard si les meilleurs ne sont pas en table finale? :roll:

Mauvais Karma dit:
Kong dit:
Je préfère un "main event" avec bcp moins de joueurs, cela augmente énormément les chances de voir plus de pros en table finale, c'est tout... (je vais éviter de mettre un smiley là, on sais jamais...).

Ce qui tend à dire que le poker est un jeu de hasard si les meilleurs ne sont pas en table finale? :roll:

En plus avoir une invitation au main event via un site en ligne, comment dire, je pense que c'est quand même vachement de boulot,pas à la porté du premier venu, et un moment important dans sa carrière.
En fait les absent ça sera juste des gens qui ont leur place à cet event mais qui n'ont pas la bank roll nécessaire, génial.

Mauvais Karma dit:
Kong dit:
Je préfère un "main event" avec bcp moins de joueurs, cela augmente énormément les chances de voir plus de pros en table finale, c'est tout... (je vais éviter de mettre un smiley là, on sais jamais...).

Ce qui tend à dire que le poker est un jeu de hasard si les meilleurs ne sont pas en table finale? :roll:

Bah oui et non... mais surtout oui :lol:
Pour y jouer depuis 2005 sur la communauté lilloise, je pense pouvoir affirmer que sur un tournoi, tout est possible.
Pire, si des joueurs plus pointus sont noyés dans une masse de joueurs novices, alors la probabilité de faire une mauvaise rencontre augmente en flêche (genre tapis preflop avec les as, craqué par un chipleader donk, qui paye avec KQ qui feront quinte sur le board... je sais ça sent le vécu ^^)?

Au final, c'est un jeu de semi-hasard, où plus le nombre de joueurs augmente, plus la part hasard augmente.

Ceci principalement pour le poker en tournoi. En cash game, ça reste complètement différent (plus mathématique, avec une visée de gain sur le long terme).

Appréciation personnelle : au fil du temps, j'ai fini par comprendre que ce jeu m'apportait plus de frustration que de plaisir. C'est à dire tout l'inverse d'une partie de JdS. J'ai quasiment stoppé depuis maintenant 6 mois

Peut-être suffit-il de poster une réponse pour corriger le bug.

Pyjam dit :Peut-être suffit-il de poster une réponse pour corriger le bug.

T'aurais pas ouvert la boite de Pandore ?

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms

Online games differ much from the naga poker real battles at the poker table. Players, who started his career on the Internet are less prone to superstition. Since at the time of the game, few people pay attention to such signs, which are common in real-world gaming establishments. There are players watch so as not to take a pack of cards with his left hand, throw different dewa poker combinations, if they see "unfortunate" card. Games online services are not saddened by careful selection of the place at the poker table, although some players manage to apply such selection and poker rooms