[Maîtres Couturiers] variante solo ?


Je me demandais si certains avaient déjà planché sur une variante pour jouer seul à Maîtres Couturiers ? Si tel est le cas je suis archi preneuse, sinon archi pleureuse !
Merci !

J'ai trouvé ça pour toi sur BGG, 2 variantes solo en english mais sais pas ce que ça vaut...à essayer...

Variante 1 avec un adversaire fictif
To play this solo variant you need a D10, D6 and D4 or a dice-app. The game is played with the usual rules for two players,except for the dummy player.

The dummy player gets the 5 base employee cards (these are used to count the dice rolls /actions of the dummy player) and the 16 property markers. Dummy Player needs no money or resources, he makes dresses by dice roll.

The dummy player gets 3 hand cards.
The dummy Player starts first.
When it is the turn of the dummy player, the dummy player plays a card and rolls a D6 regardless of the employee depicted on the card.
If the roll is a

1 = Favor Card dummy player becomes starting Player and / or gets 1 prestige point which is deducted at the end of the game from your prestige Points

2 = Aquire Resources, roll D10 (reroll if 0). Resources are counted left to right
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Discard the resource

3 = Make a Dress, roll D10 (reroll if 0), Dresses are counted left to right (e.g. Dress with a cost of 8 money is 1.) If there is no dress, choose the next nearest dress.
Dummy player always rents the dress. Roll D6 to determine the 5 halls. The King´s hall is 1 and so on. If you you roll a 6, reroll.
Dummy Player makes dresses always with the master and places the dress tiles on the Master Guest spaces if possible. Dummy player always tries to take (1.) money bonus, (2.)the free of charge warehous bonus, (3) yarn marker, (2.) lace marker

4= Hire a new Employee, roll D4 Employees are counted top - down., if there is no empolyee choose the next nearest employee. (if the dummy player has hired a new employee, the dummy player can take one action / dice roll more.)

5= depute dummy players employee, dummy player gets 1 prestige point which is deducted at the end of the game from your prestige points.

6 = Fund a decoration , Roll D4
1= Fireworks
3= Statue
4=Fountain Decoration
You roll additional a D6, if the dice roll is even it is the upper decoration, odd.: lower decoration
The dummy Player gets 1 Prestige Point for each occupied fountain decoration,which is substracted at the end of the game from your prestige Points.

Dummy Player always funds the most expensive Decoration

End of the game:
Score your highscore and remember to deduct the Prestige Point which the dummy player has earned during the game

Variante 2 contre Louis
Rococo Solo Rules
Hope this is enjoyable. I think this is a fantastic game that I have trouble getting to the table with my gaming group. It is unique and smartly crafted.

In addition to the game components, a D20, D6, and D4 are recommended.
You will be playing against Louis, a French master dressmaker who has no need for money, fabrics, yarn, or lace. He will always have the resources he needs to make dresses and buy decorations. He is an arrogant prick, but great at sewing dresses.

For you, play standard two-player rules.

Louis gets the 4 standard cards for his color along with all of the property markers for his color. Louis begins the game with the first player marker. To begin Louis' turn, flip over one of his cards. Louis' cards are for turn counting only. Louis' turns are not affected by what type of card he draws. Next, roll a D6 and perform the action according to the dice roll.

1) Make a Dress- Roll a D20 or a D10 if you happen to have one. Louis makes the dress according to the number rolled. Start at the left side of the board and count towards the right; repeat for die rolls higher than 9. For example, a roll of "1" or "10" means Louis makes the most expensive dress whereas a roll of "9" or "18" means he makes the rightmost dress. Reroll for a roll of 19 or 20. Louis needs no resources or money to complete a dress. The card type he played on his turn does not matter. He may build a masterwork no matter what card was drawn from his deck. Again, the cards are merely for turn counting purposes.

Next, roll a D6 to determine which hall the dress will go to. A roll of "1" means it will go into the Kings Hall (top level). A roll of "5" means it will go to the bottom ballroom. If the dress is a master dress indicated by the gold thimble, then the dress is placed in a master spot if one is available, taking the highest bonus it can. If no master spots are available, Louis dress goes to the space with a bonus, if one is available. Priority for bonuses is as follows: 1) money 2) fabric 3) lace or yarn

2) Favor Card- Regardless of whether or not you have already taken the favor card, Louis takes the favor card, first player marker, and receives 3VP. Any subsequent turn this round that roles the Favor Card action, he simply receives 3VP.

3) Acquire Resources- Roll a D6. Louis gains the entire row of fabric tiles corresponding with the die roll. He takes the top row on a 1 or 2, middle row on a 3 or 4, and bottom row on a 5 or 6. Do NOT discard the fabric tiles. Louis will score 1VP per 3 fabric tiles at the end of the game.

4) Hire an Employee- Roll a D4 and give the corresponding card to Louis. If it is an orange bonus card, Louis will score those points at the end of the game. Louis puts that card into his hand and will receive an additional turn this round.

5) Make a Decoration- Roll a D4. Louis will make the decoration according to the die roll. He will make the most expensive decoration he can. 1)Fireworks 2)Musician 3)Statue 4) Fountain

6) Make a Zero Cost Dress- Roll a die. On an odd number, Louis will build the left zero cost dress. On an even number, he will build the right zero cost dress. Follow dress placement procedures from the "Make a Dress" action to determine its placement.

If ever Louis rolls an action that is not available to him, he misses out on his turn, except if he rolls the Favor Card action. He simply receives an additional 3VP.
End Scoring: Score the game normally. You may gain a VP for every $10, per usual. Louis gets 1VP for every 3 fabric tiles he has collected. (You may change the ratio to make the game more difficult). He scores normally for every orange employee card he has. Remember to check and see if/when Louis gets a dress in every hall. If he beats you to it, he gets the VP.

To increase difficulty, Louis can score the secondary VP for each hall and/or for fireworks majority. I recommend downloading one of the many scorecards for this game available from several BGG users in the files section of the Rococo BGG page. This will help with end game scoring. To decrease difficulty, give Louis three action cards instead of four. I hope you enjoy. Please post comments, suggestions, and scores. Thanks for reading!


Merci !!! Je vais me traduire ça à mes heures perdues et tester dès que possible !! Merci merci !!!

Begon37 dit :Merci !!! Je vais me traduire ça à mes heures perdues et tester dès que possible !! Merci merci !!!

OK bonnes parties. A la lecture comme ça j'aime bien la variante 2.